Monday, August 18, 2014


Here's a note from Momma about Pap Pap, pals!

"Dad's surgery was a success! He had a triple bypass, one valve replaced, a leaky valve repaired, and a hole in his heart closed. He will be in the cardiac ICU most likely until Wednesday, then he'll be moved to the cardiac floor. Thanks for everyone's prayers and well wishes. He's got a long recovery ahead of him, but the scary part is over!"

Whew! Thank goodness THAT'S over!!  I musta peeled Momma off the ceiling elebenty billion times last night!  Grammy even drank a BEER last night!  Grammy never ever EVER drinks ANY alcohol!!!


  1. Oh, such good news!

    We will keep all of you in our prayers.

  2. Good news! Still sending lotsa POTP.

  3. Gwammy dwinked a hole beerz??? *thud*

    We r so gwad dat da skeeriest part r ober, Fizzy! Mabbe it r time fur da haf-stwength Bodka Dwip now. I can ged yu a gud deel if yu ack now!!! BOL :D

    1. A WHOLE BEER!!!! BOL! Momma was SHOCKED when Grammy told her this morning!!! She said to Grammy "Are you still drunk?!" BOL BOL!!

  4. YES!!
    Happy to know your Pap Pap is done with the scary surgery.

    We will all keep him in our pawyers fur a full recovery.

  5. Crikey ..... how good is that???? I LOVE good news!! Grammy knocked back a WHOLE BEER!!!!! Way to go Grammy. I sure hope Pap Pap is feeling better soon. That's a big operation and no fun, aye??
