Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Day!

Momma and Daddy have a snow day today, pals!  It's sooooo very cold here.  All the schools are closed, not just Momma's and Daddy's school.  We all have bunches of clothes on and Momma's been drinking hot tea like it's her job, but everyone is still cold!  BOL!! 

Who's ready for spring?!?


  1. MJF here:

    Spring?? I think we will nevfur see any grass again...Um...I can't even get on the so called grass to do...well, you know! I have put yellow paintings all over the snowy walls along our sidewalk, BOL! Its my graff-pee-ti!

    We have had 7 snow days here since December...and 5 or 6 of them in January...it was -13F here this morning...Brrr! Pawppy & Growlmy took 3 hours to clear the walks and driveway, but the roads are skating rinks at best. Afte r they cleared the drive...of course that plow came along...it nevfur comes before the shovelers...its a conspiracy to make the peeps work harder!

    At least it is sunny today, makes me think it might be warm...but that is just a dream.

    Stay warm & cozy, Fizzy!

    Woofs! MJF

    PS I have my own blog too:


  2. Ish yew wearin' one of dose cute doggy shweaters that I sees doggies in our neighborhood wearin' when I looks out from window PURRch? Those ish furry, furry stylish and I'll bet yew would look furry suave in one of those! My brofur and I ish furry excited about Spring in the dah near future, because it means we gets to indulge in our favorite sport - birdy watchin'! We dun has any shnow where we lives, unFURtunatly we gots the boring kinda weather almost efurry day wif the sun out, and Meowmy and my brofur and I actually loves dah cold weather so we beed livin' in dah wrong place. Shtay warm and cuddly - birdy and squirrel watchin
    weather will be here in no time!

    1. I have a whole drawer of sweaters, just for me! BOL! It gets pretty cold here, and I shiver if I don't have my sweater on, especially after I get my hairs cut.

  3. I'm ready for spring too, I didn't get my walk today on counts of it being "too cold" for my momma.
